Weekly e-News April 1

Hey, everyone!

Hope your day is just going awesomely! Ours sure is! We found this old key in our yard about a month ago and took it to UT…They just confirmed what they suspected! Once, President Andrew Jackson rode through Oliver Springs and stayed in one of the resort hotels that used to be here when the springs were working…The key we found,dropped by Ol’ Hickory hisself…was an actual key to the …WHITE HOUSE! It’s going into the Smithsonian! We get a check from the National Park Service for…$730,000!! 

That’s your Triple C April Fool’s joke! Here’s an real April First “Tip of the day”…

Ever have that awful moment when you’re struggling to peel that banana for your raisin bran…you know, when the end gets all mushed up instead of willingly and happily offering you what you bought it for?

Here’s a helpful tip… 

Bananas are easier to peel if you do it the way monkeys do! Start on the other end! Just give it a pinch down there at the black part and that banana just almost bursts out! 

I myself love helpful little tips like that! 

When someone can just give a little secret you didn’t know and instantly, you’re life just became easier! Maybe in a teenie tiny microscopic way, but, hey! a little bit easier’s better than a little bit tougher any day!

Here’s another one someone shared with me last week…

We bought a little cherry tree for our front yard and when I was taking it home, it toppled over in my truck and some of the bark got a little boogered up. I knew that this wasn’t good at all for the li’l guy and I needed to patch it up someway. So I went to one of our friendly garden centers and asked if they had stuff to put on a tree bark boo-boo. The friendly employee said, “Right this way…” and showed me a little jar of something that cost $7.99… Then she said in a whisper…so no one could hear… “Do you have any indoor latex paint at home?” 

“Yup” I said.

“That’ll do it!”

“Thanks for the tip!!” I said.

“Shhhhh!” she said.

And here’s another little bit of something that you may not know that’ll make your life just a weeeeeee bit better!

Y’know how bandaids never really stick much anymore? I’m always looking for one that just has that stickiness that convinces you, “I ain’t coming off this scratch EVER ’til you absolutely MAKE ME!!!” (Is it just me, or do y’all struggle with today’s bandaid floppiness?) Anyhow, I found one that sticks like a MAN! 

The “Frozen” Bandaid-brand bandaid! I’m tellin’ ya! It sticks soooo much to your skin!! It is awesome!! Complete with Anna ’n Elsa! It really takes a LOT for it to “let it go”!

I’m totally serious. They’re awesome.

And here’s a HUUUUUGE secret for making your day, not just a teenie weenie bit better, but waaaaaayyyyyyy better!! I read it just this morning! Gospel of Luke…chapter 17…verse 16…

Ten lepers…



A call to Jesus from across the road…

He speaks a word and all are healed!! 

They jump for joy and run for home!

Except for one…

He looked at his hands…

felt his new face…

turned around…

met the eyes of the One Who changed him..


and fell…

on his face…

at His beautiful feet…

thanking Him!!

And Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you! Go in peace!”

“But I thought they were all healed?”


On the outside. 

But he got an extra healing of the inside! 

Healing from the bitterness and the disappointment of years of isolation and rejection…

Healing from the anxiety and fear that something bad might happen again…

“What did it?!”

Thanks! Thanking Jesus! 

A heart filled up with thankfulness is freed of many awful things as quickly as it fills!

A heart daily full of thankfulness to Jesus is the healthiest heart of all!

“So how does that work?” someone might wonder…

I imagine I was that leper…

Because…in a way…I was. 

(Except I didn’t catch it from anyone. I gave it to myself!)

Can you imagine that? Give it a try…

Let’s see…

I was ugly, unclean, unwanted and unable…

And there He was!

Powerful, perfect, pure…

With a word and with all His blood, He changed everything for me!! 

So everyday I thank Him!

I thank Him that…

I had no right to expect anything good! But now I’m new! “Good bye, bitterness!!”
I deserved for things to go so much worse for me…But they didn’t! “See you, disappointment!!”
Before, I was alone and banished! Now I follow One Who totally cares for me! “So long, anxieties!”
“Thankfulness does all that?”


If I forget to thank Him, I forget many other things besides. Things I need to remember.

Check this out from one of my favorite books…

“Years ago, realizing I needed to develop gratitude, I began the practice of saying thanks to God for five things every night before bed. I still do this whenever I feel the least bit low. Looking for reasons to be thankful, instead of focusing on worries or fears, is like putting on a new pair of glasses. Life looks different through the lens of thanks.

If you’re feeling so low that you have only one prayer to offer, let it be a prayer of thanks. It’s the easiest way to pray and often the most powerful…”

Thanks…a big secret to a better day!

If you have a hurt, try thanks! 

If you have a scratch, try the Bandaids with Elsa and Anna!

I’m serious.

They’re awesome.

CCC Oak Ridge