Weekly e-News for September 25

Hey, everyone!
As I’m typing this out on my computer and looking out the kitchen window into the dark, Freddy says it’s time to “Rise n’ Shine!”  Freddy Smith is the DJ “of th’ mornin’” (as they say around here),  at WDVX and every morning hosts the show “Rise n’ Shine” from 6 to 9, playing bluegrass and classic country, always closing out with a few Gospel numbers to “kindly tune up yer heartstrings” for the day…
Freddy also brings us some special daily features we regular listeners always appreciate, such as “the Poplar Weather Report” (where he goes outside, climbs the poplar tree and tells us how it is out thar)
Around eight, we always look forward to his daily “Things that make you go, ‘Hmmm…’ “
This is where Freddy reads us amazing facts we didn’t know and upon hearing them, we say in our hearts, “Hmmm…”
Or as Freddy says, “Hmmmm…Whodda thunk it?”
The other day, Freddy told us some facts so amazing that I thought, “Hmmm…I don’t think that’s true!”
“The entire population of the world’s ants is heavier than the human population! Wow! That’s some heavy ants! In fact, I’ve got an aunt…well, never mind…Did y’know a bee is more likely to sting you on a windy day…”
“A pigeon’s feathers weigh more than it’s bones…”
“Whodda thunk it?”
“The Netherlands wasn’t always known as the Netherlands. It used to be known as the United States”
Then Freddy said, “Did you know there are 3 1/2 women for every man on earth?” Then he added, “After your third wife, which half do you get on the next one?”
And I thought, “What?!”
“Did you know that a beaver can hold it’s breath under water for 45 minutes?”
Wait! Freddy! Who’s telling you this?!”
(Sometimes I wonder if folks just send in stuff to see if their “facts” get on the air!)
Anyways, here are some amazing facts for y’all!
Did you know that we at Triple C send money every month to help missionaries all over the world share Jesus with those who know little or nothing about Him. And a couple who have been doing just that for YEEEEAAAARRRRS are Paul and Karen Davis (Y’all remember Paul and Karen from the last time they were here…) Their latest assignment from the Lord has been to work with Him to begin another church (they’ve been involved in started several!) in an Alpine town, Pontcharra, that didn’t have an evangelical  church before they arrived. Many of you remember the amazing story of how the Lord showed them a building in the center of town they could buy, renovate, and make a home for their congregation. The road was paved with troubles and miracles (as always) but, after more than a year of work, it finally opened last weekend! 
And from their letter this week, here are some amazing facts!
For the Saturday opening inauguration…
”For the first time we put out all 170 chairs. The sanctuary looked great but empty. That would soon change with over 150 people attending both the inauguration on Saturday afternoon and the special worship service on Sunday morning!…”
“A missionary serving in Austria with a phenomenal voice, enthralled the audience with songs of praise accompanied by our Gospel choir… “
“The Mayor of Pontcharra honored us with his presence…”
 “A journalist from the local newspaper attended the ceremony and wrote an excellent article…”
“Many attended who had never before entered an evangelical church. They were pleasantly surprised by the warm, open environment…”
Then on Sunday morning…”The sanctuary was again full as believers from Pontcharra and the mother church near Grenoble gathered for a special worship service of thanksgiving…”
“Several people who had attended the inauguration came, too, seeing for the first time the joy of worshipping the Lord!…”
Way to go, Paula and Karen! We are so thankful and encouraged by you! We are so honored to be a part of your “team”!
By the way, all those amazing facts about last weekend at the new church in Pontcharra, France are completely true!
Wow! Whodda thunk it?!
God knew all along.

CCC Oak Ridge