Weekly e-News for June 27th

Hey, everyone!
Hope you're having a praise-filled day, filling "your heart's tanks with daily thanks!"
Even tho' it is a little hot!…In fact…
“It’s so hot our chickens laid fried eggs!”
"Why, it's so hot our pigs said they were sweating like human!"
“Well, if you think that's hot, our cows are giving evaporated milk!”
“ Th'other day, I saw robins using pot holders to pull worms out of the ground! Now that's hot, I'm telling' ya!"
“The weather’s perfect for grampa! He’s also 98 and hazy!”
Speaking of hot, here’s something that may be hotter than you realized…”Georging”! 
“What on earth is georging?”
Glad you asked! (Otherwise this email would be basically over…)
“Georging” is when people (“georgers”) write “wheresgeorge.com” (as in, “Where’s George?”…as in George Washington’s face on the $1 bill)) on dollar bills, and other people who receive that bill go to wheresgeorge.com, enter the serial number of the bill at the web site and you can find out every where that dollar’s been in it’s circulatory “life”.
“Who cares?”
Thanks fer askin’, again! 
Apparently a lotta people do. 3.2 million have done it and as of this month, Where's George? is tracking over 252,144,922 bills totaling more than $1,355,783,300!  One pizza delivery guy has registered over 130,000 $1 bills by himself! The furthest one ever went in its travels is 14,000 miles from Springfield, IL (Lincoln’s hometown!…It shoulda been a $5! "Where's Abe?") to Samoa to Oregon! 
George gets around!
Y’know, after reading all that, I just started thinking the other day…you all at CCC are soooo faithful to give to God and to His work here at CCC!! It is sooo beautiful to watch how He puts it on the hearts of sooo many to be sooo faithful in giving!
Here’s what Paul told the Philippians about their giving to God’s work:
“I have received…the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering… pleasing to God.”
In other words, the way you give…mmmm! Sure smells good!
But I was thinking in a “georging” kinda way…about where the money you give, goes. Where does it travel?…
Some of the “Georges” you give to the work at CCC will be on their way to Sharp Top Cove in Georgia, at the end of the week! Young Life of Oak Ridge, Oliver Springs, and Clinton is taking 60some kids to Young Life camp! Many of the kids who are going, LOVE Jesus! But many who are going, don’t know Him yet. I know many kids will come to know Christ this week! 
Some of your “georges” go to India to support amazing Victor and Indian evangelists who travel on bikes to villages where Jesus’ name has never been spoken! They face hostility and threats but share His love week by week!
Some of your money goes to Chicago so Glen, Jane, Pete and Tasha, and our very own MATT KING(!!), and Jed and Hallie can share the love of Jesus to the “least of these” (as they love to say!) and help ex-offenders, addicts, and felons come to know the “love that passes all understanding”. 
Man! Some of your money goes to Missouri so Bill, after years of serving Jesus all over, can reach kids in the state where he grew up, and fulfill the words of Jesus…”"Go home and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."
In fact, you are sending Georges to Spain…to Africa…to Houston…to Italy…to France…to Israel…to France…
That's what I'm talking about, George!!
Right now we have the opportunity to send Georges to China! Our very own Joe Pendley, who serves Jesus full-time at Sharp Top with Young Life, is going to China to work with a team who will do two weeks of camp/retreat outreach to 120 Chinese kids who belong to the "left behind generation", the 61 million kids raised by grandparents or other relatives in the country because the parents have left and often abandoned them to work in the cities.…
It is going to be an awesome couple of weeks and kids will be impacted forever! I'm praying that we can give all the $3000 that Joe needs to go! We need about $900 more! (If God puts it on your heart to give, you can designate to for Joe's trip in the box or give online)…
But looking at this from a 'Georging" point of view…
Jesus said that if you give for the kingdom, you have treasure in heaven! He said when you give, you actually store your treasure in Heaven! When you give…as you give…and because you give… so that others can eat, live, and know love in Jesus, your “georges” go to Heaven!
That’s travelin’, George! 
All the way to Heaven! 
Your georges will be waiting for you!
Try to beat THAT, all you “georgers” out there!
Even more than that, Jesus said in another place, if you give so that people can know Jesus, they become your "friends who receive you into eternal dwellings"! 
There may be Chinese people waiting for you, to welcome and to thank you!
Wow! That's better than George waiting' for ya!
I thank God for y’all!

CCC Oak Ridge