A Note From Tom: November 21st, 2012

Hey, everyone! 

Hope you're having a beautiful day of slicing, dicing, last-minute grocery shopping, last-minute onion chopping, braising and praising! And even tho' we're almost to the day so many have waited so long for, but I'm just kinda sad it's here!

"What?! Thanksgiving?! You'd have to gobble to be sad THAT day's arrived! What kind of a Scrooge-y pilgrim are you?"

No! I didn't mean Thanksgiving! I LOVE that day! It's the perfect holiday! Expectations are lower and pace is slower than the next big day on the holiday calendar…and I ain't talking' 'bout Christmas! I mean "Black Friday"…or "Black and Blue Friday"! 

Wow. After a whole day devoted to thanking the Living God for all we have when so many have so little, the next day is devoted to pushin', pulling', thrown' out elbows and tossing' down cards to get more stuff than anyone could need! Interestingly, apparently the name comes from the '60's in Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Shove"! 

I do have a holiday shopping tip for you though!

I know where you can get an entire new wardrobe for an entire year for $30! 


But true!

As most of y'all know, there's a Christmas tree in the Triple C lobby. It has paper ornaments of red and green. Each one represents a gift of 30 bucks. By taking a paper ornament and giving this gift of $30, you are buying two school outfits and a school bag for one of 42 children who live in the orphanage that Victor Nandigam and his wife care for in India! All the clothes that child will need for school for a whole year! Or you could designate your $30 gift for three of the 360 widows Victor helps. With just thirty bucks he will buy three saris, or Indian dresses, that will be the entire wardrobe for THREE widows for a whole year!! 

Where else can you find deals like that?! 

Huh, Kohls? Huh, JCP? Can you beat that?!

I didn't think so!

Not only this, but our Lord Jesus said this…

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me!" (Matthew 25)

Did you catch that!? 

"I was naked and you clothed Me!"

If you buy clothes for widows or Victor's orphan kids…"for the least of these My brothers (and sisters)"…you're buying them for Jesus! 

Our Lord is "clothed in glory and majesty"! But somehow, you can still buy Him things…Like all His clothes for one whole year! For $30! 

What a deal!

And you don't have to be here at 4:00 am!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

We love y'all!

BlogCCC Oak RidgeTom Job