Don't Think He Thinks Like You Think

I was in the Anderson County Jailhouse this morning with my friend Pottsy. We were having a Bible study with the guys in Unit 2 and I asked them this question: “When you fall into some sin again for the thousandth time or the ten-thousandth time, what do you think about yourself?” The guys all said things like, “I think I’m a loser.” “I’m filled with regret.” “I’m so disappointed.” “I’m angry that I did that thing again.”

Then I asked them, “Do you think God probably feels the same way about you?” The guys nodded their heads, yes. You see, we naturally believe that God thinks like we think. We work it out like this: “I’m disappointed in myself and angry when I sin, and God is so holy, that He feels all those same emotions, only He feels them a million times more!” The truth is, that’s not how God works. That’s not even how holiness works! The word ‘holy’ simply means “different.” When we say God is holy, we’re saying that He’s not like us! He’s different. In Isaiah 55, God says that His thoughts are not like our thoughts and His ways aren’t like our ways!

When Jesus paid for your sin, He didn’t have to do it. He could have called the whole thing off, but He didn’t. Thing is, He already knew every wrong thing you would ever do for your whole life and still, He decided to pay for you. That settles it. He’s not disappointed in you. He doesn’t think you’re a loser. He doesn’t regret loving you or saving you. His thoughts aren’t like your thoughts... Hallelujah! In the words of the Jed Brewer song we sang in jail this morning, “You’ve made up Your mind that I am accepted, You’ve made up your mind that I’m without blame, You’ve made up Your mind that I am wanted, You made up Your mind, help me do the same.”