January 24th, 2014

Hey, everyone!!

Hope you’re having an awesome Friday! If you let praise fill your heart all day, it'll be warmer on the inside than it'll ever be today on the outside! (Tho' technically at 98.6 degrees and a high today of 29, that would be true in any case, whether you spend the day praisin' or spend the whole day grumpy!)! 

And just nine more days until the big holiday weekend! 


Well, I guess officially it's NOT a holiday but the Super Bowl has ALMOST made it into the holiday classification! Something like 108.4 million people stopped everything on a Sunday evening and watched the last one on TV. And we Americans ate 43.8 million pounds of quacamole dip during the game! That's enough to fill an average stadium 10-and-a-half feet deep! 


We don’t even call it “Super Bowl Sunday” any more. It’s “Super Sunday!”

Reporters were already asking players questions TWO WEEKS before the game. Sometimes, they run out of good questions and wind up asking some dopey ones. Once a reporter asked 49ers QB Joe Montana: "So why do they call you Boomer?"

One Sports Illustrated reporter started writing down quotes (103!) from other reporters that he thought were worth remembering, most of them because they were goofy.

You know how reporters say stuff like, “If they want to win this game, they’re gonna have to put some points on the board…”

Y’know…technically, I don’t think it’s possible to win without doing that.


“If they want to win, they gonna have to play some defense…”

I mean, if you don’t play ANY defense, even if you score some, you’ll lose by 185 points!

 Here’s that reporter’s favorite quotes of the week…

“Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning always looks like he's changing plays at the line. Many people think he's bluffing. The Broncos teammates insist he's not bluffing. But those Broncos teammates could be bluffing…”

When the Saints beat Peyton when he was at Baltimore a few years ago, one reporter wrote, “People in New Orleans have been inspired by the Saints….The Saints insist it's the people of New Orleans who have inspired them…It's like a big inspiration circle…”

How 'bout this?...“The offensive lines will play an important part in the game…” 

(Like…what if you didn’t have one?)

Here's a fun fact…this year our National Anthem will be sung for the first time by an opera star! Renee Fleming! (She's the one who sings all those songs on the "Lord of the Rings" movies…y'know…where the only words are "Ahhhhhh…") If it's like any of the operas I know, it should probably takes seventeen to nineteen minutes to get to "…hoooome the of braaaave!"

Speaking of time…

From the “Did you know…?” department:

With all the interviews, , and all the commercials, all the slow motion replays, and the half-time show, the game will last three hours, plus. But if you count the time of actual playing…from the snap of the ball ‘til the ref blows the play dead…the actual time when the game is being played, taking all the plays together, is only about eleven minutes!! Usually there is 50% more time spent showing replays then is spent showing the real plays!

Wow! Just eleven minutes of “ball-in-play” time”! 

And when it’s all over with, will anyone (besides certified sports nuts!) really remember the details of Super Bowl XLVIII and what happened in those eleven minutes?


Who was the MVP of the Super Bowl in 2003?

Who won the 1997 Super Bowl?

Who was the defensive player of the game in the Super Bowl last year?

What quarterback led his team to victory in 2005?

It’s just eleven minutes…and it doesn’t really matter much. Not many will remember much about it. But…


Who was the person who told you about Jesus?

Who was someone that you know has prayed for you in the last year?

Who are the three most spiritually encouraging people you know?

Who would you most like to be like, spiritually?

It’s easy to remember those people, isn’t it?

What if you took eleven minutes next week and…

…prayed for someone…and told them that you did?…


…Wrote someone an encouraging note in eleven minutes and told them what they mean to you?


…In eleven minutes, shared with someone what Jesus has been doing for you lately and how He could do something like it for them?

You could do something in only eleven minutes that someone might never forget as long as they live! 

That’s what I call, “Super!”


BlogCCC Oak RidgeTom Job