A Note From Tom: February 14th, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!




Hang on just a minute…


…one sec…


Ok. I'm good. Sorry.


I just got a little choked up there for a second. I was listening to WDVX, the bluegrass station on 89.9. Freddy Smith is this awesome guy who does the 6:00 to 9:00 am show and he always ends at about 8:55 with a few gospel songs to sign off his part of the day. Today he said, "I'd like to play this song about the love of Jesus on this Valentine's Day to kindly tune up your heart strings" (He always says that line!) Then without thinking, he said, "He's my true love." 


Wow. He is!


Then Freddy added, "So this is a Valentine's Day song…for me!"


It kinda got me. "I'm dedicating this love song from Jesus to…myself!"


Why not?!


The Apostle John called himself "the disciple that Jesus loved"!  Paul said Jesus was the One "Who loved me and gave Himself for me!" "He loved the world but He gave Himself for me!" 


"Isn't it a little arrogant to talk that way?" No way! Here's why…


1) Everybody who loves Jesus can say this about herself or himself!


2) It's only because of His amazing mercy and pity that He loves each of us like this! It's not like we deserve it!


3) His heart is so infinitely huge that He can love each one of us as if we were His "one true love"!


4) It's true whether we have the nerve to say it or not!  He does love us like this!


You ARE "the disciple Jesus loved"! Why not say it? He loved the world but He also "loved you and gave Himself for you!" Why not admit it and praise Him for it?


Why not say along with Freddy and me, "Happy Valentine's Day from Jesus…to me!"


And as Freddy always says, "Have a blessed day!"

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