Silencing The Stones

A quick thought for you today:

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt on Palm Sunday, people were lining the streets, throwing their coats on the ground, screaming at the top of their lungs, saying and singing, “Hosanna! Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” That word ‘hosanna’ simply means, “save us.” They were cheering and singing with all of their might for Jesus to save them. It was an overwhelming anthem of need. The religious people hated that scene. They told Jesus to make everyone stop their shouting and singing, but Jesus said, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Here’s where you come in. You see, I now find it my personal duty to silence the stones.  I know what you’re thinking... you’ve never seen a stone talk. I know, but that’s because people who believe in Jesus have been keeping them quiet all these years since that first Palm Sunday. I want to be part of that crowd. I want to keep those stones silent. I want to sing and shout and live the kind of life that is constantly affirming one fact: I need Jesus to save me. I want to start and end every day by saying, “Jesus, save me. I need you to help me, fix me, pick me up off the ground and repair me!” Let’s be the people who unashamedly admit how much we need Jesus. Let’s say it with our lives and mouths. Let’s be the people who silence the stones!