We Don't Have Time For Insecurity

The Apostle Paul said, “No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer.” - 2 Timothy 2:4

Here’s what that means: You and I don’t have time to worry about what other people think of us. We are people under orders. We have bigger fish to fry than worrying about whether other people accept us or think we’re cool. We have a job to do. Soldiers don’t care about what you think about their uniform. They don’t have time to be insecure about what they’re doing or what they look like. Soldiers on active duty have a battle to fight and the only thing that matters to them is discharging orders.

Right now, we are engaged in a battle. Wherever you are, in your school, at your job, in your home - you are on the front lines of the eternal struggle for people’s hearts and minds - their faith or lack of faith in the only Person who can free them from sin and self and give them eternal life, peace and joy. You are an integral part of that battle.There are victories and casualties. We are called to fight. We have to fight. We have a Commanding Officer who already laid down His precious life for us because He loves us so much. 

I know you are plagued by self-doubt sometimes. I know you think no one cares about you sometimes. I know you think all your friends are hanging out without you sometimes. I know you think you’re ugly sometimes. I know you think you’ll never get a date sometimes. I know you think all your struggles and problems are because you suck sometimes and that everyone else is cooler, better, smarter and more awesome than you. I know you feel those things. We have all thought and felt those things. It’s not that you suck if you’ve had those thoughts, but listen up: It’s time to lay those burdens down.

We don’t have time to dwell on that stuff anymore. Jesus says He loves you, period. Jesus says He’ll be with you forever, no matter what. Jesus completely accepts you. Jesus says He has your back and is working everything together for your best right now. Jesus says He is in control of everything and that He would move heaven and earth for you because of His outrageous love for you - in fact, He has done just that. Okay. So let’s settle those insecurities with the truth and suit up for battle. It’s time to fight. Get in the struggle and get some victories. We don’t have time for insecurity anymore. We are under orders.